Find clarity, get visible and gain confidence through our friendly, flexible PR support

Put PR at the heart of your marketing strategy.
Are you looking for more people who need your products and services?
Is your email list growing, but at a painfully slow rate?
Are you exhausted with social media and looking for new ways to connect?
Getting featured in the press without paying for adverts is a credible way of highlighting your expertise and bringing potential new clients into your world.
It’s doable for you at any stage of your business journey – and you don’t need to be a PR expert. You just need to know what good stories look like from a journalist’s perspective; guidance on who to approach and how to do it; and – most importantly – some accountability to crack on with it!
Otherwise, let’s face it… Left to your own devices, getting in the press is probably not going to happen. You will find any excuse not to send out an email to a journalist.
It feels easier and more familiar to post on Facebook, record a dancing TikTok or blog on your own website. There’s less chance of rejection, and the stakes feel so much lower.
The trouble is, that content is unlikely to be seen by millions of people. It certainly isn’t as credible as being featured by big-name media outlets such as Metro, HuffPost,, The Guardian or Psychologies. Relying on social to market your business is also risky… TikTok is close to being banned in America, and cyber attacks are crippling platforms for hours at a time.
If there was ever a time to commit to mastering PR, it’s now – and we can help.
Our PR Power Hour Package is designed to give you the mentorship and accountability necessary to help you set some realistic objectives, feel supported while you work on them, and celebrate achieving press success.
Sound good to you?
How much does it cost?
The total cost of the PR Power Hour Package is £797.
There are two ways to pay…
£797 up front (making an instant £97 saving on our individual hourly rate of £149)
£266 per month for three months (to spread the cost)
Terms & Conditions
In the spirit of providing accountability, your PR Power Hour Package MUST be used within SIX MONTHS from the date of purchase. Any hours not claimed within six months will be VOIDED WITHOUT REFUND.
Up front Payment
save £97 by buying our 6 hour package offer
3 Month Payment Plan
£266per month
for three months (to spread the cost – total cost £798)
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m a start-up business. Will this still work for me?
Yes! Some of the most newsworthy developments happen in the first three years of a business. Learn how to do your own PR and create good visibility habits for life, so that your business can grow faster.
Is this service only for people who have already been in the news?
Not at all! We love to work with people who are trying to get into the press for the first time. Everyone has to start somewhere. We are very experienced at mentoring people who want to overcome their natural butterflies and reap all the rewards of becoming more visible.
I don’t think I have a story. Why would anyone be interested in me?
Lots of people feel this way. You are not alone in thinking this. Please be assured that we have taught more than 3,000 business owners how to cultivate a healthy media mindset and pitch to the press with confidence, so you can feel truly worthy of embracing all the media opportunities out there for you and your business.
I’m so busy… I’ve got so much on! I am worried I won’t have time for this.
You have up to six months to use your six-hour package. There are a variety of ways you can use your package – including instructing us to look up journalists for you (so you don’t have to); reviewing things you have written (and making expert recommendations on how to pick better words); and for strategic advice. You will always know how much time you have used and how much time you have left, and we will only check in with you on pre-agreed dates and times. When you are setting deadlines for yourself, we will check: “Does this sound realistic?”
Can I secure your services for longer than six hours?
Yes, of course! Lots of clients start off with six hours and then choose to renew their initial package. In some cases, we have been working with the same business owners for more than two years. You are always in control, at every stage.